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Care and development

We provide a nurturing environment and, from past experience, know that children learn best when they feel safe, secure and confident within the setting. Each child is assigned a member of staff who is their Key Person. Each Key Person looks after all the needs of their key children, liaising with the parents/carers as required. A Key person will build a close relationship with the families and children. Siblings who attend will have the same Key Person. A Key Person will also liaise termly with any other settings their key children attend.


Children are always spoken to positively in our setting and any behaviour issues are dealt with sensitively following our Achieving Positive Behaviour policy. We ensure all children feel valued by praising their achievements. We do not rush or force children into joining in with any part of our routine, but allow a new child to watch what the other children do, with support from their Key Person. 


All areas of learning within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), including STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) topics, are covered on a daily basis. We try to differentiate all activities to support all children’s ages and stages of development; we have found this is the best way to help them progress, as they are enjoying what they are doing and achieving their own goals.


Understanding what interests a child, knowing their likes and dislikes, their background and knowing where they are developmentally, is what enables us to plan effectively for all children’s targets. We produce an individual learning target for each child every half term. These targets are developed through our observations and talking to parents/carers. We are very aware that all children have different learning preferences and provide a variety of activities to support all types of learning.



Our members of staff are very committed to providing a variety of learning experiences for the children. Allowing children to grow seeds, plant plants, use hammers, have their own cookery bowl and ingredients, and pour their own drinks, are all things that we use to help the children develop vital personal skills, support each other and make their own choices on appropriate behaviour with clear consistent boundaries.

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We us Tapestry online learning journal to link with parents. Daily memos are completed for all children and individual observations are completed weekly. Reports are done 3 times a year and key people speak with parents regularly. Our members of staff are approachable and any concerns can be discussed privately to help the child's enjoyment and well-being. 


We liaise with all local primary schools to support school transitions. We have close inks with Leafield Primary school and work closely with the reception class throughout the year.

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